Monthly Archives: November 2012

On the Road: Supporting College-and-Career-Ready Adult Learners

Peggy will be “hitting the road” next week to represent EFF and CLEE at a national conference on effective transitions in adult education.

Peggy McGuire photo

Peggy McGuire,
EFF Writing Content Expert

Peggy McGuire will be in Providence, RI for “Promoting College and Career Readiness for Adults”, an annual event sponsored by the National College Transition Network, on November 7 through 9.

Peggy will present 2 sessions during the conference focusing on the writing knowledge, skills and strategies that participants in adult education programs need for successful transition to postsecondary education and training. One session will share effective instructional practices and the second will focus on developing an adult education research agenda around writing  and college and career readiness.

Peggy is also looking forward to networking with and learning from other practitioners from all over the country – practitioners who share her strong interest in supporting adult learners in their efforts to access, persist in and complete postsecondary programs of study (a bunch of them – the organizers say the conference is “sold out”!).

She promises to report back on the highlights of her conference experience when she returns.

Here are some sights to look out for Peggy!

Space   spasTextured Gear Providence R.I.